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Celebrating our Amazing Volunteers

MOVE Celebrated our Volunteers on Friday December 8, 2023 at LaParilla Restaurant in the McHenry Village.

These are the amazing group of people who support our VetsVan and Care Cruisers programs by devoting their time as volunteers, driving veterans, seniors and people with disabilities to their appointments. We are incredibly proud to announce the growth of our VetsVan program, which has performed 72% more rides than last year at this time. With a total of 82, 841 miles driven between April 1 – November 30, 2023! Special thanks to our top three volunteers:

Nancee Fine who drove 19,985 miles

Eric Hardee who drove 13,365 miles and

Deborah Chin who drove 12,566 miles

Thank you all for your continued dedication to serving our clients!! We couldn’t do it without you!

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