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Transit Merger Creates Regional System – The S

The Stanislaus Regional Transit Authority (StanRTA) formed in July 2021, was the result of a merger between Modesto Area Express (MAX) and Stanislaus Regional Transit (StaRT).

The new regional transit system rebranded the expanded system to “The S” with the slogan “Ride the S” at the November 2021 board meeting. “The S” now represents all fixed-route, ADA paratransit, Dial-A-Ride, and commuter services of the former MAX and StaRT systems.

StanRTA provided six months of free rides on all services in 2021 while it developed the new brand and a simplified fare structure that went into effect January 1, 2022. The new fares streamline previous MAX & StaRT categories to create a uniform structure usable on all StanRTA routes. Many fixed-route fares are reduced and riders ages 0 to 18 ride for free on all services.

You may learn more about “The S” at

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