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ADA Paratransit Eligibility

The Stanislaus Eligibility Center, operated by MOVE, provides one simplified eligibility process for ADA paratransit services in Stanislaus County. Paratransit is a safety net for people whose disabilities prevent them from using accessible fixed-route public transportation.

ADA Paratransit Eligibility

To be eligible for ADA paratransit services in Stanislaus County you must participate in an in-person interview at one of the three Stanislaus Eligibility Center locations.

Why In-Person Eligibility?

All interviews & renewals will be done in person at one of our 3 convenient locations in Modesto, Turlock, and Patterson. 

Eligibility Center staff will assist you during your interview process. You will have the chance to explain your circumstances in your own words. Family, friends, and caregivers are also able to participate in the interview process. In-person conversations help us better understand your needs.

Am I eligible?

The eligibility process is not a medical determination of disability. It is a determination about your functional ability to ride public transportation according to ADA guidelines.

How does it work?

  1. Call to schedule an appointment at one of the three Stanislaus Eligibility Center locations.
  2. Free transportation will be arranged to and from the Eligibility Center for you and one other person.
  3. During the interview your specific transit use skills, abilities, and/or limitations will be identified and discussed.
  4. Your determination will be mailed within 21 days of completion of the application.

How do I renew my eligibility before it expires?

The Stanislaus Eligibility Center will mail a postcard to your address on file requesting you to call and schedule an appointment prior to your eligibility expiring.

How do I schedule an appointment?

Call us at 209-672-1143 Ext. #3  for more information.

What if I do not agree with my determination?

Persons who are determined to be Conditional/Not Eligible for paratransit services have the right to appeal the decision. A request to appeal accompanies the determination letter and must be filed in writing within 60 days of the receipt of the Conditional/Not Eligible determination. A copy of the appeal process is available from the Stanislaus Eligibility Center during regular business hours.

Mail the appeal form and direct inquiries to:
Stanislaus Eligibility Center
4701 Sisk Road Suite 201, Modesto, CA 95356.
hone: (209) 672-1143

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ADA Paratransit Eligibility FAQ

How do I apply?
ADA Paratransit Eligibility

Call 209 672-1143 to schedule an appointment for an in-person interview.

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How do I get the application?
ADA Paratransit Eligibility

Paper applications are no longer used for the eligibility process, you must call the Stanislaus Eligibility Center to schedule an in-person interview.

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Do I have to complete an application for each bus service?
ADA Paratransit Eligibility

The Stanislaus Eligibility process allows those that are determined eligible to ride any of the two paratransit systems in Stanislaus County.

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Why do I have to come in for an interview?
ADA Paratransit Eligibility

To be eligible for ADA (Adults with Disabilities Act) paratransit service in Stanislaus County, you must participate in an in-person interview at one of the four locations. The in-person converstations help us better to understand your needs and more closely adhere to Federal mandates for ADA Paratransit Eligibility.

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